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Seca II vs SS Cobalt

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:10 pm
by Ashley30
I live in Savannah, GA, and peaple cant drive down here! So its a thursday night and i'm on hwy 204 going to go get some gas and I dont know what it is but 204 is the Savannah drag strip . I'm cruising along probably 45 or 50, but not faster because of traffic so i look in my rearview and there up on me like a ho in a club is a blacked out cobalt...So of course my dumb self as a gear head desides to give him a taste.... Soi i drop a gear and and walk off lol...So at the next light he,s 1 car back on my left so i knew axactly what was going to happen...sure enough all i hear is a turbo coming up on me so i said i dont think so! So i hit it one more time and i see were runnin probably close to 90 and thats dang fast on a hwy in savannah! So this went on for a good mile mile and a half in and out of traffic back and forth back and forth.. and i knew top end i didnt have a chance what was i supposed to do run 130 going in to down town savannah lol! well i decided to let him have it becouse he disapeared on me and cops here are like fleas on a dog i mean everywhere and i was on fumes so it was lose by getting pulled over outran or running out of gas...either way i couldnt give seca that kind of name or get killed. Either way it was fun!