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Changes/Updates Tonight - 3/13/17

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:41 pm
by radare
I made some changes and updates to the site. Let me know if you experience some funkiness.

1. Added an image resizer for attachments which includes a lightbox feature similar to what you find in Vbulletin forums.
2. Changed the 'Forum' shortcut on the top-bar to 'Site Index' (thanks to Fateddy for the suggestion)
3. Fixed the post-preview font size so it is now consistent
4. Fixed a problem with the online indicator where it was displayed for all users. Now it only shows up when users are online.
5. Removed the border from inline images
6. Fixed coloring of 'Mark Forum Read' text where it was white-on-white. Now text is visible.
7. Fixed a problem with labels not showing up on Display and Sorting Options drop-down. Now text is visible.
8. Fixed a coloring issue with in-active pagination buttons where they were displaying black-on-black. Now text is visible on those, too.
9. Fixed a problem where I can't sleep and spend all hours fixing problems on the forum. Took a pill and went to bed. ;)