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Casper plays in the Manzanos and south

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:25 am
by Casper
With keeping track of where I have been, I have noticed a severe lack of playing in the south east of Albuquerque. Now there isn't much out there, but there are some fun looking hills and some random hole in the walls. It just takes a bunch of straight roads to get there. (Yuck.)

So, planned for a 300+ mile day!

We started just south of Albuquerque and then headed along a slow road until we met up with another rider on the south end of Los Lunas.

Our first stop was one of my favorites, the old bridge over Rio Puerco on Old US 60/Old US 85.
I need to find out the legal way to ride Old 85 on the east side of Ladron peak down to Socorro. Maybe do an adventure ride completely circling Ladron.

My ride companions having a chit chat in front of Ladron peak, I was happy to find another naked rider and we hit it off right away.

Stopped for lunch in the one and only Owl Bar and Cafe in San Antonio. One of the most amazing burgers I have had in a while.

Of course the place was littered with owls everywhere. Was fun to have the owner come up and great us.

NM 380 is a really boring, straight road. The views however, are really nice. I need to find a back way through this region to visit the lava flow some more.

These are the mountains heading to Ruidoso and will be a place of visiting in the not too distant future.

Here we see Carrizozo peak (Right) and Baxter Mountain (Left). We went along the White Oaks Highway that leads right between them.

NM 380 stretching out into the distance.

White Oaks is an interesting small town with a mixture of large Victorian homes, flat front brick stores and portables/mobile homes.



NM 54, the road to Corona, was no better than 380.
We had two empty car hauler big rigs pass us, very interesting to see a semi out of the corner of your eye.

We arrived at the Quarai Mission Ruins a bit too late, but the buildings in crumbles around the area were interesting enough for photos.


Of course we attempted to go to the Mission Ruins, but the ranger stated that it would be a felony offense if we were found on the grounds after closing. Would have been a wonderful arrest story, but we couldn't justify missing dinner.