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Cruising Pegs

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:23 am
by LeighTower
Here is something that hasn't been done here, not to my knowledge. You may say "That's because it's stupid!" Maybe you would be right in that assessment, but I'm here to tell you that it definitely has some merits, especially for long distance riders like our Rally riders.

For about $20 in parts and a bit of fabrication time, it is done. Came out OK, I think. You certainly get used to using it pretty quickly. So ever since I saw those beautiful holes that I now know are for the engine guards that were an option back in the day, I've dreamed of using them. I put a rebar through them. Pretty hard core (and supremely ugly - plus, how do you keep it attached?

Did you catch the teaser a few days ago? Photo of the parts.


And here is the result!


Rider's view.


Rear view.
