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Project "War Horse"

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:46 pm
by shinigami710
Alright guys first I'll say after some debate I was able to get access to my old user info and got it all switched to current. Sure glad cause I didn't care for having my full name as the display (not privacy just don't particularly like my name per say. Caleb_Kimbrell was my temporary). Sorry for the confusion. Divorce is a mofo.

Anywho after many sleepless nights of going back and forth on what to do I decided to just go all out and chop it. I saw a build on customfighter and really fell in love with the single rider/short arse. As well as looking sexy (to me anyway) it also drops a decent amount of weight which is a definite plus. Here is what I've shed from her so far. (pm me if interested in anything I've pulled off btw. won't be used here)

Here is a before shot:Image

Here is my new box for the battery and some of the electronics. I started fitting before the chop as you can see but it still fits in and sits very nicely:Image

And here is after the cutting. I took some tubing from what I cut off to make the new braces. I've got them tacked in for now:ImageImage

It's gotten quite cold here so I've had to retreat back to the house for now. So while I'm stuck inside I will start trimming down the seat. Next up comes a metal plate to cover the rear and provide mounting for the new integrated taillight and the license plate. Painting is still a ways away but I'm seeing black frame and engine with an OD green tank. May change my mind before then tho.