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What's in the Factory Toolkit?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:26 pm
by radare

As these bikes pass from owner to owner, often times their stock tool kits get lost. So what's in the factory Seca II toolkit?


Here are the tools that Yamaha included in the Seca II's factory tool kit. These were kept in a pouch under your seat.

From left to right, top to bottom:
  • 1. (red): Spark plug tool; 14mm
    2. (blue): Open-end wrench set; 17/14mm, 14/12mm, 12/10mm, & 10/8mm
    3. (green): Hex key set; 8mm, 6mm & 4mm
    4. (yellow): Screwdriver; standard and Phillips head w/removal handle
    5. (violet): Box end wrenches; 22mm & 19mm
    6. (dark green): Handle for box-end wrenches
    7. (cyan): Rear shock preload adjuster
    8. (orange): slip-joint pliers