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How do I know when to clean my carburetors?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:35 pm
by radare
How do I know when to clean my carburetors?

Here are Some General Symptoms of Dirty Carbs:
  • 1. The bike is hard to start or floods easily
    2. The bike leaks fuel out of the carburetors
    3. The bike won't idle without the chock on
    4. The bike's idle speed is difficult to set and the bike hunts for idle.
    5. The bike won't run without consistently giving it throttle.
    6. The bike idles low and turning the idle screw makes it jump up to 3k rpm.
    7. The bike has trouble idling; it may die at stoplights or when the clutch is pulled
If your bike demonstrates any of these symptoms, it's time to clean the carburetors.