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Project "Sine Timore" (1992 XJ600s)

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:41 am
UPDATE: 4-27-14....

After an amazing tough family wide medical nightmare, and what could only be classified as the harshest winter in the past 20 yrs here in VA, I'm back on the XJ project full force.....

Hey guys,

Since this 92 XJ is becoming more of a full blown project, I figured I start a project thread instead of pinging all the other threads repeatedly. Here is a pic of what I started with, Still on the trailer when I brought it home. Will post pics as I have more. It's looking like I'm going to go the "N" route, as I really like the look. Have a few ideas on it already, will talk about that more later......


Overall, not in bad shape. Has 20,243 miles. Clearly it was just horribly neglected. Dang 4 wheeled people.....

As always, and thoughts or input are very much welcome and appreciated.