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Nearly hit the other day!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:04 am
by Marx
The other weekend I went for a cruise with the wifey! We were on our way back from my first real lengthy trip riding two up together. I think the ride total was about and hour and a half. All trips before were like half an hour or less several times before. Anyways we were about 15 miles from the house and a car decides to changes lanes right into us. This was my first experience avoiding an accident two up. Anyways I slammed on the brakes, slide to the yellow line between cars and laid on the horn! It was too close for comfort. It was good to show my wife my ability to keep us safe out there. She trusts me but this was a first incident that she's ever encountered and she was fine. I was glad to see she wasn't shaken by it. I like taking her cruising sharing my hobby. It amazes me how bad people are on the roads! :censor: