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Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:31 pm
by greeny4704
Today was just a bad day for riding for me! On the way to work my back pack came unzipped and my jacket started to come out i realized this after going 90 trying to pass 5 cars that were traveling 45mph!( I was running late for work) stopped stuffed it back in and got to work ... so after work i start my bike and my headlights not working!!! So mybike buddy has me follow him to his garage so we had some light (very interested driving at night without a headlight )you it was only about 3 miles but still nerve racking! After testing all my wires i figured out my bulb was blown! Only 3 months old! So i replaced it with a silverstar bulb which makes a world of a difference! So finally get to jead home at 12 and halfway home it starts raining usually not that big of a deal except i dont have the tdm rear fender done and my front fender is off due to some mods im doing i never really thought about how much the front fender does til its not there lol but i luckily i made it home in one piece and got a nice new $20 bulb lol