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Pt Reyes Geo-Adventures...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:04 pm
by i_am_the_koi
So I couldn't resist the lure of a beautiful day, especially with a new set of tires on the bike.

Decided to go out to Pt Reyes and see if I could spot any whales... didn't get out early enough to miss the shuttles so I skipped the whales and just enjoyed some ride/geocaching.

Here's the route I went for the day.

Basically, Napa Valley through SOnoma to the coast, then down over Mt Tamalpais and back

About 8am it was nice and warm so I got ready and hit the road

I stopped just around Sonoma for a quick cache by some Clydesdales... however they weren't there so I just got the sign.

On the otherside of Petaluma is this famous tree I've heard about, just happen to be a cache by it as well....

Just before I hit olema, after picking up a few caches at the Union School and the Cheese Factory

I stopped at this "Platform Bridge"

After finding the cache I stopped once more in Olema at the Deli... yup there's a cache there.

At this point the day has been absolutely stunning. I have had to shed my sweater, and a layer of thermals as it's nice and warm in the sun. I continue on towards the Lighthouse but get routed off due to shuttle busses. Not wanting to shell out 5 dollars to get bussed up to the lighthouse, I chose to go down to the beach and take some pics, have a sammich, and enjoy some sun.


Met up with my friend Tigerlily in Stinson Beach, and then some other BARFers stopped by, didn't catch their names, or don't remember I should say.... but the one was on a pretty sweet 50....

Parked by this too, had to take a pic

Still beautiful, so the next day I went to Vallejo to visit a fellow BARFers chiropractic shop and get some crack..... :rofl

Afterwards, I went out to Mare Island and roamed around. I hadn't been out there since I was a kid and my dad was stationed out there. Funny to think... My great grandfather, my grandfather, and my father all were stationed at Mare Island... I only had day-care there


Was kinda sad how much was torn down, but it made good photos...

well eventually I did get off my bike and walk around the docks... they were working on this old tender, the Solom Turman...

From there I went down the Bay trail for a few last geocaches and an enjoyable hike. I hadn't been on this new trail yet. I was amazed at how many signs there were saying no bicycles... ((If I could have fit it I would have snuck my moto out there)) and yet it was a wide road, with a fence saying "don't hop the fence, there's nuclear stuff over here"
