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Adventures with Koi

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:01 am
by i_am_the_koi
Well, I realized that this subforum is going to be filled with my threads so I'm just going to create one similar to Radare's and post my daily adventures. When I do major rides, I will probably still post those separate, but for my daily adventures, I will just post them here.

If any Mods want to merge this thread, my favorite loop thread, my bike night thread, and maybe even my day at the track... that'd be appreciated. Keep the Yosemite thread and the caching threads separate for now.

Anyways, first adventure.

Koi's 4/20 Ride

I just couldn't stand all the friggen hippies wanting to stay indoors and Image instead of taking advantage of the first truly warm day of the year.

So I coerced my friend Tigerlily to go for a ride to the coast and show me some of her famous Marin hangouts.

Always the wise-galImage

Anywho, here's our route, Napa, Sonoma, Petaluma, Hick's Valley, Chileno Valley, Nick's Cover, Nicasio, Fairfax, Sausalito, and then back to Napa.

Didn't get on the road til 4:20 or so :laughing but it was such a warm day that when I was riding home at 11pm, I wasn't cold at all. Truly an stunning day to ride

Evidently stunning enough to take your bear for a ride :crazy:

Even the cows were giving the WTF look :razzled:

**Insert Twisties Here**

Stopped again overlooking the rolling green hills. Won't be long and they'll all turn brown but for now, an amazing view.

Had another motorcyclist that couldn't resist the lure of a beautiful day come by and gab with us a bit.

His wife bought him the bike after riding on the back of his other bike, wanted him to have something for him... My first comment being BARF's most eligible bachelor was to ask if she had a sister... He laughed and came back with "Everyone ask that"

The day was beautiful though and no matter if you were looking forward or backward, it was fun to look.

**Insert Twisties Here**

I had the goal of stopping alot and taking photos, but it was so beautiful I didn't stop as much as I needed to take any good ones of the roads, but they are great roads!

I did spy this bridge that looked to be a good spot... I didn't bring my zoom lens so it wasn't as good once there, but it was a neat spot. As Forest Gump said "And that's all I'm gonna say about that" :shhh

**Insert Twisties Here**

It was starting to edge on Sunset and so I was watching for somewhere to catch it and the ocean.. only to realize I was still in Tomales and wasn't going to get a true "Ocean" shot, but then Nick's Cove came around the corner FTW!

Sometimes it's all about timing

I recently read a thread about someone's bike being parked into and was worried about it so I made sure my bike was safe Image

Or I was setting up for my imitation of a beautiful picture

Of Course Tigerlily has to be cool like me :sarcasm:

Now how do we get out of here?

**Insert Twisties Here**

Because the sun had set we decided to move back inland to the warmth and get something to eat. Cruising past the Nicasio reservoir was the worst part of the ride thanks to the over breeding of bugs... the sound of them tinking off my helmet was disgusting, but the feeling on my knees and shoulders, felt like someone hitting me with a sand blaster. When they finally subsided I gave my visor a wipe and just smeared them all to a point I couldn't see that well. Evidently Tigerlily had the same problem because she pulled over at the Rancho Nicasio to clean her visor as well. :laughter:

We eventually did make it to Fairfax and stopped at the Iron Side Pub and brewery for something to eat, was busy, evidently everyone felt the warmth because at 10pm it was definitely still hoppin. The Calamari was good, the pork sliders were ok, the beer was fantastic Image

This dog was so excited about everything, he was fun to watch.

Afterwards we rolled through the surface streets of Marin down to Fort Baker. It was just so nice it was hard to end the ride without something epic... but it also turned into the first time I wish I had a better flash for night time shots


But, successful night ride was successful. As I escaped the proximity to the ocean, the temperature increased. Good times!