Removing Chevereto support

The basic forum. Want to show off your XJ or ask questions about it? Maybe you're not sure where to post? Put it here.
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Yearns for The Scrambler
Posts: 3454
Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:17 pm
Location: Goes, NL

Hi all,

I know I have already posted this in three other threads, but just as a final reminder: I am removing support for Chevereto. The gallery functionality has not been working anymore for quite some time. I really regret it, but the forum is a labor of love and not of frustration for me. So, after spending too many hours on this, I decided that it was enough. If there is anyone who has Chevreto knowledge and is willing to dig in, please feel free. Otherwise I am going to remove all traces of it in the coming month. Please find another image hosting solution to share your images on the forum. My personal go-to's are:
- (account needed)
- (no account needed)
- Tapatalk (account needed)

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