The site is going nowhere in November [edited]

The basic forum. Want to show off your XJ or ask questions about it? Maybe you're not sure where to post? Put it here.
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Site Founder
Posts: 10434
Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:42 pm
Location: Denver, CO

All good things must come to an end.

I've decided to take offline in November. It doesn't see much traffic anymore and I've lost my desire to maintain and expand it. November 7th is's birthday but also the day its webhosting and domain name expire. I will not renew when that happens.

If you have information on this site that you find important, please download it before November. I will keep an offline backup so if you need something from the site after 11/7, email me and I will find the informaiton or file.

It's been a good run. Thank you all for years of support and for building out such a wonderful resource and such a friendly community.

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